Monday, April 4, 2016

Sonnet Poem

It was supposed to be filled with glory
But in reality it was boring

and to top it off, it was really gory
Oh I wished I could've been exploring!
Daydreaming in a colorless white room
Lady nurses every which way I look.
Feeling as if I'm stuck in a white tomb.
and I didn't even have a good book.
Got an IV, and I was ready to go.
Good and bad thoughts overloading my head.
All I was told was to go with the flow.
During the tonsillectomy I bled. 
Oh! And waking up was a struggle.
All I wanted was my families cuddles.

Nature Poem

Water is plopping into the running stream 
Ice melting, heading downhill
Splish-Splash, it puts me in a dream
Oh! Nature is such a thrill.

Monday, January 11, 2016

The Science Partner

It was a beautiful day in Amsterdam, the sun was shining through the crystal covered windows that decorated every house on Forge St. It was seven in the morning, with a beautiful pink sunrise streaking across the sky. The students diligently getting ready for school on that not so welcomed Monday. Isabella woke up hours before, seeing as it takes her two or maybe even three hours to get ready for the day, I mean Isabella Albright, is the most popular girl in Marcenti High. She has to be perfect, straight brown hair, flawless eye makeup, around her crystal blue eyes, and perfect outfits and accessories, everyone expects that from her.
“Good morning Mum.” Isabell says to her mother, she doesn't get to see her much since she works constantly.
“Morning Bell. What time this morning?” she asked Isabell, with a curious look while sipping on a cuppa of coffee.
“Just 5, as usual. Are you going to be home tonight? Or do I have the house to myself?”
“I won't be home until late tonight, I'm sorry love. It's been very busy at the company, it should calm down soon. Have some friends over maybe? I’ll leave twenty pounds for pizza?” Jennifer says to Isabell. Isabell rolls her eyes, and just gets her stuff together, grabbing her keys and her designer hand bag, and turns towards her mother.
“Yea, sure, I guess. I'll have Jesse and Vanessa over, thanks for the pounds. Love you mum, I'll see you tomorrow morning.” She mumbles and kisses her cheek, walking out of the house, hearing her heels click against the shiny floors in the huge mansion.
As she drives through the busy streets of Amsterdam, she wonders what today will bring, it’s never boring in her life ever since her mum became rich, she’s considered popular, so she has to be perfect. She sometimes wishes she could just wear sweats and her PINK hoodie, but it's not up to code of the “group”, but at least everyone likes her, she thinks to herself, as she pulls into her parking spot in front of the place, she just isn’t  herself anymore.
“Morning bella!” She hears and she knows it's just her best friends Jesse and Vanessa. They know her, for her, not some popular girl. She smiles at them, noticing everyone is excited about something.
“Morning guys. Whats going on?” She says, pointing towards the school, where everyone is talking about something, with what seems, an excited expression.
“Oh. Well, someone heard, that we’re getting a new kid, we haven't gotten one in- three years! And it’s a guy. I hope he is dreamy.” Vanessa tells her, the blonde who seems to know all the gossip. Isabell nods her head, and starts walking through the busy hallway, the bell screaming throughout the hall, telling everyone to get to their first class of the glorious monday.
“Bye loves! See you guys next class!” She yells, so they hear her, and walk into the science room, her least favorite class.
As everyone at Marcenti High are socializing, learning, and or; sleeping at home, Alex Smith, is unpacking all his things in his tiny room, and he has for the whole day, nervous about the outcome at his new school. He’s awkward. Shy. Not what everyone wants in their life. Him and his mom; Jay, just moved from America, his mom was transferred to Amsterdam for a job. He didn't want to leave, but he also didn't want to stay because of what happened at the place, he used to call home.
“Honey? Alex?” He hears his mom yell into the house as she walks through the door from her first meeting at some big company.
“Up here mom!” He screams down the stairs. He then hears, light and delicate steps come up the shiny, light-golden, wooden steps, knowing his mom is probably coming up to, see how he is taking the move. The squeaky noise, comes from the hinges of the old door of his bedroom, and in comes his mom, the only person he trusts.
“Hi honey. How are you?” She looks into his green eyes, which have dark bags underneath, with sympathy.
“I’m fine mom. Just nervous on what will happen tomorrow.” He says, quietly of course, looking down at his old beaten up red converse, his brown curly locks falling into his eyes, which are protected by black rimmed, perfectly cleaned; nerd glasses. He’s had these since he was little.
“Oh honey, don’t be nervous, everyone will love you.” She looks at me with a perfect smile, and dimples, similar to mine.
“Yeah mom, just like you said at all the other schools. And look what happened?! It’s bound to happen!” I almost scream at her, furious that no one understands what it feels like to be bullied constantly just because of your looks. My mom stares at me and  sighs, knowing that I was right, and walks out of the room with a glum face on. I instantly feel bad, as she walks out she turns towards me right as she is walking out the door.
“Try to get some sleep hun, you have a very big day tomorrow, which I think you'll be okay. There are some nice kids here. Love you.” My mom whispers as she is closing the door, I sigh and plug my old flip phone into my charger and plop into bed, and begin to close my eyes to sleep.
As the sun rises above the city of Amsterdam, everyone rushing towards their daily things, Alex Smith is walking to school. It’s quite a long walk, dragging of feet, and converse scraping the sidewalk, he realizes he only has five more minutes until he is supposed to be in his first class, science. The class he hates the most, even if he is considered a nerd, he still hates it with a burning passion.
“Great, already a bad day” He mumbled under his breath and he starts jogging to what he considers hell. When he walks in the doors, everyone's eyes are already on him, burning into his physical appearance. He automatically covers up the scars of all his memories, feeling really insecure.
“Hello, you must be Alex Smith. Welcome to science! Class please welcome him, and you can take a seat next to Isabell. Isabell raise your hand.I will be right back class!” An older guys tells Alex, he automatically knew it was the teacher he will hate the most, he's so formal. As he takes a step to walk to the gorgeous girl, some older, looks like a football player guy trips him.
“Welcome New kid!” He screams and then gets a bunch of high fives, the whole class except a few laugh. He then sees a hand offering to help him up, it's the girl Isabella that rose her hand up earlier.
“Just ignore brock, he's a jerk. Come sit, we’re supposed to be talking about a project we have to do with our lab partners.” Isabella says to him. She’s beautiful, Alex thinks immediately, “who would ever think someone like him would talk to a freak like him” Alex says to himself.
“So since you're my partner we have to come up with something to present, about what we know about science, it's simple, and easy. When do you want to meet? I could meet after school in the library? Isabella says straight forward to him, him being surprised by her boldness.
“Uh, yea. Sure. No problem, what topic we’re you thinking of? Alex mumbled at her, instantly shy because he's already considered the new kid here, and or “The target.”
“Let's just do… Photosynthesis? I mean, it's something we  learned a long time ago, and it'd be good for us to refresh our memories?” Alex shook his head, as the bell screamed, making everyone instantly stand up.
“See you at three in the library!” Isabella yelled over her shoulder, heading to her next class.
The rest of the day was boring for Alex, he already hated this school. He was constantly pushed into the walls, he got paper thrown at him, just like food was, he was tripped a billion times, and what sucked was no one was there for  him, isabella wasn't in any of his other class. He was the same old freak there, just like he was in America. As Isabella and Alex worked in the library later that day, he finally was able to be himself and laugh, no one was there to pick on him, and they became good friends, but of course when no one else was there. They got an A on their project and they were friends since then, but he was still constantly bullied, but he's fine, at least that's what he always says. Now after two months of hanging out everyday after school each others house, they were the bestest of friends. They were Bella and Alex.
“Hey bell, Want to come over tonight? Mom is making pizza? Alex whispered to Bella in science, making sure no one heard, cause isabella, for some reason didn't want everyone to know. She nodded and smiled at her paper, knowing that tonight would be another game night. The bell rang and she smiled at Alex and walked out silently.
“Hey girlies.” She said to her group of friends, they constantly follow her around, she admits.. it gets like really annoying. As they started talking about all of the drama now-days, she hears Alex's name, and she automatically tunes in.
“He’s just so weird, I mean why would anyone want to be friends with him? I heard everyone laughing at him in gym, and Brock told him to go kill himself, I mean, I understand no one likes him, but that's just plain rude.” Vanessa says, as we're walking through the hallways of hell.
“Where did Alex go, did you see by chance?” Isabella asks them, they all shrugged saying he walked out crying. Isabella instantly runs to his locker, not caring if anyone saw, he isn't there. Where could he be?! He always meets me her there before science. SHe grabs her phone, noticing a text from Alex.
Hey bella. This is the last time you’ll hear from me. I lied. They bullying never stopped, and I have a feeling it will never stop. It's been happening since sixth grade. Bella don't cry okay? I'll be happier, just please remember.. that even if we were just friends I love you. You have always been my best friend.
Please don’t do anything stupid.
Isabella instantly runs out to her car, tears falling from her eyes, she doesn't want to loose him.
“No, no, no. Why him?!” She screams out of frustration. Speeding towards the house she know she'll find him. Praying that he’ll be fine. She pulls up to the tiny house, knowing where the spare key is, she kicks in the door, crying and screaming Alex's name.
“Alex please tell me you're okay!” She screams into his tiny secured room, he isn't there. She runs to the bathroom and finds him curled up in a ball crying, he’s alive. Hes okay. She grabs him, lets him cry, All she's thinking is that he is okay, the one person that she loves, and depends on, is okay. As the moon swallows the sun, them lying together, they both realize something.
They love each other.
Two Months Later.
Two months later, they were both happy, they both realized that they love each other, more than friends. That night was an eye opener. Everyone at that high school, treated Alex like he was popular. Isabell made everyone realize, that under the nerd glasses, and curly brown locks, that he is an amazing individual. He is now happy, hes got Isabella, he now has friends, and life at home got better, his mom got a promotion and now they live in a bigger, more classy house. After eleven years of getting bullied, he now can say he is comfortable with himself, because of one science partner, that he so happened to fall in love with.

Friday, January 8, 2016


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